Family Portrait Fun with the Gopalan’s and one very popular Chellappan in McLean Virginia

Family Portrait Fun with the Gopalan’s and one very popular Chellappan in McLean, Virginia

Surprisingly, our son’s girlfriend asked us the first question: Did you know Vidya and her husband, Rakesh Gopalan, with Queen City Trends? And I laughed because we also know Vidya, Rupa, and Kavita! All three of these sisters entrusted us to capture their day, but more importantly, the love this entire family gives us is certainly one that makes us feel like a big part of their family. It is a loyalty like no other, and each time we are with them, we are reminded that when our clients hire us, it is because they want “the Regeti’s” and it is the most rewarding feeling when you feel that much love and admiration for what you bring in all that you do.

Watching all the families become engaged and get married has been one of the high points in our careers actually because we have so many families that have invited us in and made us their chosen family for life; it is humbling to know that the love never stops and if we ever needed anything neither would the giving – they all make it abundantly clear. The list goes on in this family as the referral never stops and continues to grow… like when we again caught up with everyone in Arizona for Milan and Neha’s wedding and then only to realize that when we shot Shipra’s (*she was one of our first ever Indian weddings – definitely an OG of ours – here’s a little throwback to hers sisters Preeti’s wedding not only were Milan and Neha there but also all of the Goyal’s too – Rachna, Seema, and Shalini too!

I could go on forever, but I will bring it back to the Gopalans. Thank you once more for the continuous love, hugs, and advice that you all have given us throughout these many, many wonderful years!

-the Regeti’s-

A few sample images from Family Portrait Fun with the Gopalan’s and one very popular Chellappan in McLean, Virginia

Gopalan’s Family Portrait
Gopalan’s Family Portrait

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

Gopalan’s Full Family Portrait
Gopalan’s Full Family Portrait

Rupa and Viral’s Family Portrait
Rupa and Viral’s Family Portrait

Amit and Kavita’s Family Portrait
Amit and Kavita’s Family Portrait

Rakesh and Vidya’s Family Portrait
Rakesh and Vidya’s Family Portrait

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

Rakesh and Vidya
Rakesh and Vidya

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

 Family Fun with the Gopallan’s and one very popular Chellappan  in McLean Virginia

The Girls!
The Girls!

Vidya Gopalan Chellappan
Vidya Gopalan Chellappan
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