Great things for 2014! brought to you by The Regeti’s…

It is incredible how time flies right before our eyes and before you know it you blink and think what memories have been created and will forever be part of our personal memory bank. This year we will watch our oldest graduate high school and head off to college. The two boys are a teen and preteen and our youngest is definitely turning into the diva!

Over the years we have learned a great deal personally and professionally about our selves and our business and this year we have decided to break all the rules and turn our blog into more of a life related blog versus just brides and blossoms!

We have learned that our clients genuinely love to hear about the growth of our children, the daily struggles as parents, the motivation that moves us, my ability to cook Indian food, our new healthy lifestyle lessons, tips for photography and/or planning of their day, the triumphs and success’ as photographers and of course what we are up to and where we are going.

We are looking forward to seeing lots of comments that will motivate us and everyone else to join in the conversation and are excited for what 2014 has in store!

Regeti Kids Portraits Christmas 2013
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