24 of 25: Manish and Reeya @ the Omni in Richmond, Virginia

Manish and Reeya are just busting at the seams waiting for this blog post! Instead of just highlighting only one of thier images we have opted to provide a slideshow of their wedding day images as we were with them over the course of a couple days and have yet to honor them into a blog post.

Manish is certainly a groom who has a piece of my heart as we connected numerous times throughout the wedding planning phases. Most of the times I spend a lot of time with my Brides talking about all the details and learning the ins and outs of their wedding day, but this time Manish was on the ball with all the details and never hesitated to ring us up whenever he was concerned or needed advice on something. Reeya you have an amazing husband (Being an amazing woman you deserve none-the-less!), I hope that both of you stay in touch with us over the years and continue to allow us to be part of your lives as your grow into a family.

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