As photographers we have the most amazing of professions, considering that each and every time we shoot it gives us the opportunity to evaluate why something is so special. There is the purpose of preservation in everything that we shoot – so be it a relationship or a detail, everything means something to someone. Each of our clients are truly thankful for all that we do.
With that said November is a time to be thankful and here at the Regeti’s studio we are just that each and everyday, but in November it always helps us to refocus on our own lives even as photographers, we still have pretty busy personal lives too and have to muster up quite a bit of energy to keep up with our four kids, for that we are thankful our health, happiness and all the joy and laughter each one of them uniquely brings to our lives!
With all the November thankfulness we thought it would only be fitting that we run a promotion allowing our clients to personally express their own thankfulness to their families. Therefore any client who books our services in the month of November will receive up to 125 custom designed “Thank you” cards for sending out after the wedding.
It’s our way of saying “thank you” too!
Lots of Love
The Regeti’s!