Nikki and Will… this couple is one that when thought of the word “Perseverance” is the first word that comes to mind. Throughout every thing that the good Lord shelled out to them throughout the year and well before in their lives they still managed to stay beside each other, supportive and lovingly while each other pulled through. That my friends is the true sign of love and marriage and why we commit ourselves before a much higher power!
I remember meeting Nikki’s Daddy for the first time when we arrived at the house for her getting ready photos and her Daddy said to me, ” You guys were the one thing Nikki said she had to have!”, I was humbled to know that our Bride on the most important day of her life had felt so adamant about us as her photographers. It leaves you truly warmed in your heart.
Nikki and Will’s reception was full of almost a Southern Georgia flare in a lot of ways! They are so down to earth and in an awesome way that of what true rich American values stand for here in the USA. They are both pretty close with their families and know what it takes to make a strong one thrive in today’s crazy busy world.
We love you guys and hope that this year brings you great things, that you remember to keep in touch and never lose faith. You two have truly been blessed with your family and each other. Happy Holidays dear friends!
To view highlights from their wedding, click here!