Julie and Sean said, “I do.”

For the first time in a long time we were seated at the church! For some they may think that there’s nothing wrong with that, but as wedding photographers its like placing us into a torturous time out. Unfortunately no matter how much we wanted to shoot the Rev. at this particular wedding made it very clear to not only us but the guests as well to put away their cameras. Regardless we were catching the first kiss no doubt and we did!

Regardless Julie and Sean had a beautiful wedding that we were delighted to be present and witness followed by a wonderful afternoon reception at 2419 in Falls Church. That is truly a beautiful location hands down, the koi fish in the pond are bigger than I have ever seen and the decor inside was very modern chic. Congrats to the newly weds!

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

Julie and Sean Wedding Photographs

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