Trice’s photo debut… drumroll please… for this little ROCK STAR!

We thank Steele ever so much for sharing her little man with us for a little bit today! Through slides and hayrides we had a bundle of fun with her little one! Trice was certainly on stimulation overload as he got to enjoy every thing amazing that happens and lives on a farm, although the hayride through the mud had to be on the top of his list of favorites ensuring that he will remember the Regeti’s for a lifetime!

Having four of our own it bring’s us great joy to take photos of little ones as we know how important it is to document their growth because before you know it they are going to be heading off to college as we as parents sit back asking where the time went? I felt that more than anything last night at my Aunt Jo’s 60th b-day party. I remember when I was thirteen myself and people I had not seen for sometime would say, “I remember when you were only this tall.” and here I am to my cousins children saying it all over again. History goes on repeating itself in this crazy undying cycle we call life, can’t help but want to treasure every moment you can of it. We hope Steele continues to give us the opportunity of watching Trice grow. It was great spending time with you this afternoon Trice!

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

Trice goes to Pumpkin Patch at Cox Farms

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