Recently we had an inquiry about taking IRÂ (Infrared) pictures on a wedding day. This is good because I really love taking Infrared Pictures. Haven’t done too many weddings with IR as I am not sure if people would really like it or not. Here is an image from a wedding and the rest were taken today in different light conditions.
i love these pictures. My sister had asked me how photographers did this. I have no idea, but I like it. Is that something that you can only do with outside light?
I actually had one my Digital SLRs converted to an Infrared camera. I am sure if you did a search on infrared photography you would find tons of information. But to put it in layman’s terms an infrared picture is taken by blocking the visible light. Infrared light is outside the visible spectrum. So what you actually do is put a filter in front of the digital film which blocks only the visitble light but allows infrared light. So thats how these pictures were taken. Usualy when its a clear blue sky there is no IR light to reflect so clear blue sky would look really dark in the picture. Geen vegetation seems to reflect (not sure if it also radiates) lot of IR light so green grass and green leaves showup really light in the IR images.
Sorry if this explanation is bad 🙂
srinu regeti
Forgot to answer your question:
It is not true that you can take IR pictures only in daylight, you can also do it indoors and you will see some interesting results. I will post some samples of images that were taken with flash indoors later.
srinu regeti