Warrenton’s Got Talent!

In an effort to update collateral and continue on with some creative new sessions we opted to proceed with a “Casting Call” for some local faces that our clientele can consider themselves familiar with. Let’s just say that here in Warrenton we have got some really talented little ones on up through High School Seniors. However, this casting call was just for the little ones! Ranging from 7 months to 3 years we thought we would share a few of our favorites! Enjoy!

F Emily March2011 02F Emily March2011 08F Emily March2011 10F Emily March2011 14F GrahamD March2011 02F GrahamD March2011 03F GrahamD March2011 05F Julia 032011 01F Julia 032011 02F PiperChildress 032011 01F PiperChildress 032011 05

F Caden April 2011 01F Caden April 2011 03P Zachary April 2011 02P Zachary April 2011 04

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