Rebecca + Chris @ George Washington Hotel, Winchester

A love for Washington majestically found in Winchester is exactly what this smal boutiquey “George Washington Hotel” is! I think outside of the “Willard Hotel” located in DC it has made it’s mark on us, being one of our favorite to visit! From their bridal suite to the bar they did not miss any detail when decorating this hotel, even right down to taking care of the professionals managing Rebecca and Chris’ wedding we were fed buffet style keeping in mind vegetarian and non-vegetarian needs. Sometimes when you spend so many hours photographing a wedding and have not been extended the courtesy of a hot meal (Yes, there are such things as vendor meals but often enough it is a sandwich, chips and a drink for like 70 bucks! Pretty depressing actually.) it often can make the professionals hired for the job feel some what discounted in their services. Not only that but when you have been working many hours non-stop without time to eat it can also cause a creative crunch in the desire to be creative. So a big “Thanks!” to Lisa Schulz with The Posh Planner and the hotel staff for taking care of and looking out for all of us, it is appreciated more than you will ever know.

Rebecca and Chris decided to be married at this quiant church in historic Winchester which made for a beautiful backdrop, however much to our disappointment and theirs we were sent to the back of the church to photograph from one position without moving other than to use the zoom on our lens! How crazy is that! Many of you may remember my Facebook post about the church lady well here she is… for privacy purposes we have jumbled her face, but personally with the past few experiences with “Church Ladies” I really think that we need to form a pact and create a “Most Wanted” poster for the “Church Ladies” who feed on trying to create a power struggle between the couple being married and her ability to coordinate the church ceremony when the client themselves have hired a wonderful team of professionals. It often makes me question the purpose of having the “Church Lady” there when the Pastor himself gives permission for certain placement only to have the “Church Lady” tell us that we cannot stand where the Pastor has already okay’ed? Questionable for sure!

Either way everyone played out to be good sports about it and complied, allowing for a great night of dancing! Lisa over at Posh really nailed it with the “Pretty in Pink” theme created in the ball room, the tables totally kicked butt! I think that they are my favorites till now… with Holly Chapple Flowers rocking the centerpieces and florals!

Onto our couple! Congrats to both Chris and Rebecca on their wedding bliss, we look forward to a great relationship with the “Dam/Ritter’s” for a long time to come (Chuckling as I remember the evening formals ;-D)!

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

Wedding Reception at George Washington Hotel in Winchester, Virginia

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Head over to the South Asian Wedding Guru (SAWG) podcast available on Apple and Spotify - In the podcast I share information that is South Asian/Indian wedding focused. Brides and vendors alike will always have something to take away in every episode. Best part is that we are just getting started with episodes every Thursday 🎙️Link in BIO - Subscribe, like, share and follow us everywhere ▶️

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