Happy 60th Hari! 60 truly is Nifty!

Another first for the Regeti’s was a 60th Birthday party that we not only photographed but were invited to as guests of the family. It was pretty cool as they hired a stand up comedian, Mr. Rajiv Satyal who was really hilarious! Definitely a must see for anyone familiar with the Indian culture. Another great comedian is Russell Peters and yes, he is Indian too, do not let the name fool you! Although that in itself is hilarious cause I always get a kick out of when we call customer service for some things and an Indian operator picks up, obviously Indian and tells you his name is Ed… makes you want to just say… “No it is not. What is your real name?” that is a riot!

60th Birthday Party for Mr. Hari

60th Birthday Party for Mr. Hari

60th Birthday Party for Mr. Hari

60th Birthday Party for Mr. Hari

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