MDA to us is a very special kind of association! We started donating our services to the MDA in 2006 to help document the service that this association is providing to these families and children who suffer from the many muscular diseases out there. We feel that by contributing and giving of our creative talents that in some way it will help the Association bring in more funds to keep the dream alive! Here are just a few of the many shots that we took during the day that we spent at the camp with the kids.
The pictures truly cannot begin to describe the complete story of the images as they can certainly help you to conclude a lot in a very deep way, unless you are there and take part in the experience itself you will never know, however there are a couple photos that I would like to provide a little bit of narration on.
The image of the young man on the motorcycle with one of the Harley gentlemen to me is one of my favorite. I personally am not a motor cycle junkie nor a Harley fan but the reason I love this photo so very much is because I was there and was able to see the happiness in this young mans face as he was placed onto this bike. The owner of the Harley quickly swooped off his hat and bent down to place this young man’s foot into his cap before placing it near the plates on the bike. It was awe invoking and heart wrenching within the same breathe.
The second image that I wanted to narrate on is that of the few photos that feature some very important Chiefs and members of the Fire Fighters Assn. which many of us are quite familiar with for their Fill-the-Boot campaign that they do for these children making them the highest contribution to the Association. These individuals really think the world of these children as the children do of them. In the one image where the chief is shaking hands they spoke of him as if he were better than meeting the President of the USA to me that is an honor within itself. The other image where you see another member of the Fire Fighters Assn. was at one point on the phone narrating to someone on the other end about what a wonderful service this camp provides to the kids’ and how he had enjoyed coming out to see what it means to the children to be part of it.
Every year I awake to reality from spending a day at camp with these kids and it certainly makes me proud and honored that we are able to help in some small way.
Oh…WOW! I am so sad I had to miss camp this year, but I am SOOOOO happy you guys returned to document this amazing experience for so many wonderful kids. I have to admit that seeing the familiar faces in these pics made me tear up a bit and miss my old job 🙁 I’m sure all the gals back at the office have already told you this, but your services really do a lot to help the cause and to preserve these awesome memories for many kids who feel that camp is the “best week of the year”. Thank you.