Less than a week ago I was approached by the board director of the Greater Washington Telugu Cultural Association (GWTCS) to cover their upcoming event. It was explained that it is a non-profit organization but yet they felt it would be great to have a professional photographer cover the event, little did they know I myself am a Telugu and belong to that Culture ! Here are few highlights from the event.
Hi Srinu,
Great Job. I bet they were pleased to find out you were Telugu as well after obtaining your services.
It reminded me of a Diwali Festival, which Sri brought me to during our first year together.
This is the 2nd time I am coming across your photography – once at Bobby’s grad party and this one at our good ol’ GWTCS. I was there on both occasions and you do a wonderful job with the snaps. I like the angles and the extensive ranges of shots you take.
Very nice work!
I will be contacting you shortly as I run fashion show, and till now Ive had to deal with just memories of the events, or just plain old fuzzy pics.
Thanks very much for your comments. Feel free to email me directly at “regeti @ regeti .com” (without spaces)
Great job sir.
I love your pictures. I liked seeing them in your blog better than having to click on the slide show.
Your comments are well taken. Guess I was little lazy to upload the images here. So I just added a link to the slideshow.
I like the slide show, there’s more pictures to look at.
Jennifer, thank you ! 🙂
Regeti, you are amazingly smart. Your contributions make me feel happy for and proud of our community. Guys like you go a long way in making a difference to this great nation we have chosen to call home.
Coming to your pictures, they are simply one of a kind. It is not easy to see artists faces and expressions up close. And you have made just that possible. Blogs such as yours are sure to serve as a shot in the arm for several other children (at heart) to open up and make a difference to the society we live in.
Best wishes!
Kishore Puvvada